Tag: parenting

Mommin’ Ain’t Easy (but it Also Ain’t Real)

"Mommin' ain't easy." - All moms, everywhere. I'm not sure who first said these words, but I think they're wrong. "Ain't easy" is an epic understatement. Mommin' is different...

I Forgot Hispanic Heritage Month

I am hispanic and I forgot it was Hispanic Heritage month. As a first generation American and as someone who used to work for...

6 Ways for Busy Moms to Simplify and Slow Down

Some of my days go perfectly according to plan.  There are days when everyone gets along and naps and plays and eats at the...

Mom Mode: 4 Things I learned From Our First Set...

Before I had my children, I had never exactly cared for anything.  I had never even taken care of a pet.  In fact when...

4 Ways I Survived the “Three-nager” Days

If you've ever sobbed over quartered grapes that took you 15 min to precisely cut because your child DEMANDED grapes only to be disgusted...

Mommin’ Ain’t Easy

So everyone always says being a mom is the hardest job in the world but not many elaborate.... I feel as though many agree...

An Ode to Fathers, an (Often) Unsung Hero

Life as a mom in America these days is pretty popular, in my opinion. Yes, it's hard. Yes, there are so many challenges. Yes,...