Are You A Good Mom?


As moms we tend to be hard on ourselves. We judge whether or not we’re a “good” mom that day based on the things that we have or haven’t accomplish, but I am here to shed a little light.

“Rest easy, real mothers. The very fact that you worry about being a good mom means that you already are one” (Jodi Picoult).

On the days where you cross everything off your to do list and on the days where you feel like you got nothing done – you are a GOOD mom.

On the days where you feed your kids all farm to table, organic homemade meals from scratch and on the days where your kids eat cereal and milk for breakfast, lunch and dinner – you are a GOOD mom.

On the days where you wash, fold and put away all the laundry and on the days where your laundry piles are so high it looks like Mount Everest – you are a GOOD mom.

On the days where you make the pinterest perfect craft with your kids and on the days you have no activities planned and they just play with their toys – you are a GOOD mom.

On the days where you take your kids to the park and spend the whole day playing outside having adventures and on the days where you stay in your pajamas and veg out in front of the tv – you are a GOOD mom.

On the holidays where you have the perfect basket, stocking or presents for your kids and on the holidays where have nothing prepared – you are a GOOD mom.

On the days where you have the patience of a saint and on the days where you loose your cool – you are a GOOD mom. 

On the days where you clean every room in the house and it’s sparkling from top to bottom and on the days where you can’t even see the floor and the dishes are piled high in the kitchen sink – you are a GOOD mom.

On the days where your kids are perfect angels and listen to everything you tell them and on the days when they are little terrors and throw temper-tantrums galore – you are a GOOD mom.

We all have bad days because nobody is perfect. Some people would like you to believe that they are perfect, but I assure you that they are not. In the age of Social Media, where everyone showcases their best moments, there are so many instances where you can feel like a horrible mom.

Just because you have a bad day doesn’t mean you’re a bad mom.

I am here to encourage you and tell you to not allow someone’s best moments to define your worst. All that we can do as mothers is to try our best every day. If at the end of the day your kids are loved then you are a GOOD mom. You will make mistakes and you will do things that make you feel like you are a bad mother, but don’t let those moments define your parenting. 

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Megan Milakovic
Megan was born and raised in New Jersey, graduated from Liberty University in Virginia and has been living in South Florida for the past 4 years with her husband. She is a stay at home mom of two boys, who are three and under. She spends her days chasing after her crazy energetic boys and lets not forget the endless piles of laundry! She started her blog when her first born was a year old in hopes that her stories would help other moms realize that they are not alone in “The World of Motherhood”. When she isn’t busy mommying, she works her two at-home businesses. She has a passion for educating families on ways to encourage their children to read. When her kids go to bed she hosts Facebook parties and helps families fill their home library with the best children’s book available, Usborne Books! She is also an Ambassador for Plexus Worldwide, a health and wellness company; Megan is using her health promotions degree to share with others how healthy living is of the utmost importance in raising a family these days.